Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Contest! Win A Limited Release Steg Rex Cassette!

Here's a contest for all you artists out there. Draw me a dinosaur, and I'll give you a limited release (10 copies!) Stegosaurus Rex cassette!

I need someone to do some cool artwork featuring a dinosaur (more specifically, a stegosaurus) for printing onto a run of hats/T-shirts that I will be doing.

Make some cool stegosaurus artwork (preferably a silhouette, single-color, and simple!) and send it to steg.rex@gmail.com at the best resolution you can manage, and the winner will receive a copy of my next release!
(It'll be a cassette collection, limited to 10, of previously unheard music + Undeniable)


1. Enter as many pieces of art as you want to increase your chances of winning, but add only one piece of art per email. Email to steg.rex@gmail.com
2. Artwork should be at the largest resolution possible, because this will end up being printed!
3. Single color, silhouette-ish, simple. Outlines are fine!
4. Deadline for submission is November 14th, 2008.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I've been pretty busy recently, but that's no excuse for the lack of music...

So here.

Gyroscopes. Dance your fool head off.
